Employee Volunteering Programme

Employee Volunteering Programme

Arohan provides its employees with a sense of purpose by way of giving back to the community in addition to their work roles. To this effect, the Company encourages its employees to volunteer their Time and / or Skill. Employees are encouraged to self-initiate or initiate project-based volunteering. Arohan believes that some of the endless benefits of volunteering as employees include, but are not limited to gaining new skills and knowledge, boosting job and career prospects, enjoying a sense of achievement and fulfilment, personal development, better physical and mental health, connecting to and better understanding the community and developing team building skills.

Arohan’s employees have participated in various volunteering activities to reach out to the beneficiaries supporting the thematic projects by participating and contributing on World Celebration Days, disaster relief initiatives, cloth donation and also by imparting Financial Literacy at one of its Water and Sanitation sites.

In response to the conditions of the Financial Year 2020-21, Arohan shifted its volunteering initiatives to a virtual mode by conducting online engagements through activities such as Ecovation, Model Citizens, Health and Wellness, Mental Health, Kitchen Gardening. Virtual Stepathon etc. Going forward, Arohan intends to focus on initiating long-term individual volunteering opportunities for its employees. As of March 31, 2021, approximately 20,742 volunteers have participated through various activities.